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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2014

Episode 167 - Countdown for Back to School

07/31/2014 It's Thursday, July 31st, 2014 and welcome to Episode 167 of TechTalk4Teachers, I'm Tom Grissom and I'm Cindy Rich. Welcome to the TechTalk4Teachers podcast, the show about teaching and learning with technology. Mike is out this episode at a conference. In this episode... Cindy and I discuss summer projects, introduce a new segment called Keyboard Shortcuts for Productivity,  and w e finish with our Technology Picks of the Week . Click on the Player to listen to this podcast (requires Adobe Flash) TechTalk4Teach ers or Right Click Here to Download MP3 (31 minutes 34 seconds) Show Note Links Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center Office 365 Example Office Mix Technology Picks of the Week Tom's Pick Office Mix Cindy's Pick Samsung Galaxy S5

International Telecommunications Union and CSA

International Telecommunications Union and CSAWere the standards to be made binding that could have political implications / ramifications regarding national sovereignty etc. However, a standard adopted by the ITU are called "recommendations". The recommendations carry a voluntary adoption by members states. The recommendations can though become directly or indirectly binding if it is

CSA - Site Survey Method 2/ITU

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) combines standards making capability and also has regulatory functions specific to mobile telecommunications. Therefore the ITU goes beyond standards making that may not create obligations in contrast with issuing regulatory measures that clearly do create regulation for it members who are signatories to the Convention.   Three important functions

CSA, propagation and keeping norms

CSA, propagation and keeping norms is an in-for-the-long-haul series of discussions about CSA (cell site analysis) and highlighting all the wider area topics of CSA that seldom get discussed. The first three discussions can be found here: CSA - Site Survey Method - CSA - Site Survey Method 1 - http://

CSA - Site Survey Method 2

The purpose of these CSA - Site Survey Method discussions invites examiners, technicians and students to consider the wider area analysis involved in cell site analysis (CSA) beyond simply conducting radio test measurements at site and producing test results from particular Masts. The wider area analysis enables examiners, technicians and students to suggest why coverage is being detected at