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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2014

Episode 169 - Office 365 Here We Go!

09/30/2014 It's Tuesday, September 30th,  2014 and welcome to Episode 169 of TechTalk4Teachers, I'm Tom Grissom, I'm Cindy Rich, and I'm Mike Gioia. Welcome to the TechTalk4Teachers podcast, the show about teaching and learning with technology. In this episode... The College of Education and Professional Studies faculty and staff prepare for the Office 365 upgrade. We have some great keyboard shortcuts to share and of course our Tech nology Picks of the Week . Click on the Player to listen to this podcast (requires Adobe Flash) TechTalk4Teach ers or Right Click Here to Download MP3 (33 minutes 14 seconds) Show Note Links Technology Picks of the Week Tom's Pick ZoomIT 30 Days with Office 365 for Educators Cindy's Pick Library of Congress Mobile Apps U.S. Constitution: Analysis a...

CSA - Site Survey Method/LTE SIBtype1

CSA - Site Survey Method/LTE SIBtype1Before continuing with GSM/GERAN System Information Message Types, thanks for the enquiries regarding LTE and requests for an example of a systeminformationblocktype(SIB). It would appear there is a requirement to explore LTE and UMTS SIBs some more before moving on to GSM/GERAN. I will do my best to answer some of the enquiries.For educational purposes only,

CSA - Site Survey Method/LTE-UMTS SIBs

There is a huge volume of materials and standards to be considered when undertaking study or work as an InnerCity CSA (ICCSA) expert, technician or student. However, the materials and standards referred to at my webblog aim to control the flow of such volumous information and provide instead an easy guide to seeking out the information experts, technicians or students can be exposed to when