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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2015

Episode 179 – Summer Updates and Changes

07/31/2015 Click Play to Listen Your browser does not support the audio element. (31 minutes 56 seconds) If player does not work in your browser  Right Click Here to Download MP3 It’s Friday, July 31st, 2015 and welcome to Episode 179 of TechTalk4Teachers I’m Tom Grissom, I’m Josh Awalt. Welcome to TechTalk4Teachers the show about teaching and learning with technology. We have a special guest for todays show, Josh Awalt from our Eastern Illinois University Information Security Office. This episode Josh will share information about the need to be aware of and report Phishing attempts that will be on the rise as we head toward the back-to-school season. We will also discuss the many changes, updates, and improvements related to Information/Instructional technologies. Josh and I will also share our Technology Picks of the Week. Show Notes How to protect your email account from hackers Technology Picks of the Week...

Padlet: An easy and fun resource for any content!!

Padlet is a virtual bulletin board created online (not an app).  You create it and your students post to it.  Think of poster paper and sticky notes.  The uses are endless.  I love to use it in my classroom as an exit ticket activity--or even just to check in.  I also use it in my professional development trainings.  I found a great visual with lots of ideas from @simplysuzy and  Give this a try, you will love it! Click here to start:

Newsela is the word...

"Non-fiction texts govern as much as 90% of the reading and writing done by literate adults and comprise more than 70% of standardized assessments." -Tony Stead and Linda Hoyt If you haven't heard of Newsela, I am about to make your day.  While reading adoptions are providing more non-fiction reading choices, there are just not enough. Newsela is your solution. It provides a huge library of well-written current event articles at 5 different reading levels. So, the entire class is reading about the same information, just at each student's individual Lexile reading level!  As the teacher, you can assign certain articles (and reading levels) to certain students.  Each student can then take a quiz on his/her reading. All of this is free to use.  If you wish to pay for the pro subscription, you have even more options.  Amazing!

USB2USB File Management

Now here is a brilliant design highly lauded by the design media back in 2012/2013 that for some reason has yet to see the light of day. Which is a pity really as this has the potential to provide the answer to a number of student final year project ideas. For instance: [Idea by Kkie21] "I was thinking about writing a program that would be put onto a USB stick and then once connected to a