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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 2, 2016

Episode 186 - Campfires in Cyberspace

2/29/2016 It’s Monday, February 29th, 2016 and welcome to Episode 186 of TechTalk4Teachers I’m Tom Grissom and I'm Cindy Rich. Welcome to TechTalk4Teachers the show about teaching and learning with technology. Happy Leap Year! This episode we will have a conversation about "Campfires in Cyberspace" and how designing learning environments need to have a combination of approaches to be most effective. We will also share our Technology Picks of the "Week". Your browser does not support the audio element. If player does not work in your browser  Right Click Here to Download MP3 (19 minutes 31 seconds) Show Notes: Campfires in Cyberspace:  Primordial Metaphors for Learning in the 21st Century  by David D. Thornburg, Ph.D. Campfires Watering holes Caves Life Screencasts updated from Episode 185: OneNote Lego Stop Motion Project OneNote...

Moral Ethics of Backdoor iPhone 5C

Backdoor iPhone 5C The discussion below is entirely hypothetical and is not intended to make or shift people into making decisions, legally or morally, nor create detriment at all. There has been a huge amount of press regarding the balance between lawful investigation / national security versus Apple's company policy not to backdoor their products precisely for privacy and security reasons. It

Threatware - legally speaking

LEGALLY SPEAKING – OBSERVATIONS CHART FOR JUDGES BARRISTERS AND SOLICIT0RS The courts maybe faced with dealing with a wide range of mobile and computer criminal cases and civil disputes. These may include exploitation of the latter devices. Given the explosion of discontent in the world the use of "threatware" (a vernacular term adopted for this discussion) requires identification as to the