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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2016

Episode 187 – Digital Assistants and Holoportation

03/31/2016 It’s Thursday, March 31st, 2016 and welcome to Episode 187 of TechTalk4Teachers I’m Tom Grissom and I'm Cindy Rich. Welcome to TechTalk4Teachers the show about teaching and learning with technology. Happy Leap Year! This episode we have a listener question that leads into a discussion about digital assistances and how we remind ourselves of items of importance to us. We mention Cortana, Siri, and Google Now. We will also share our Technology Picks of the "Week". Your browser does not support the audio element. If player does not work in your browser  Right Click Here to Download MP3 (27 minutes 26 seconds) Show Notes: Technology Picks of the "Week"  Tom’s Pick Holoportation, Wow!!! Hololens Galaxy Explorer Hololens Case Western University, Teaching Anatomy example ...

The Rise of (IoT) Domestic Appliance Forensic Examiners

The future looks bright for forensic digital examiners as the world of Internet of Things (IoT) has brought the rush of products on to the markets to compete in the IoT domestic appliances market. Already, due to time-to-market products flaws in the secure processes that allow users to initiate personal identity protocols to active appliances have been identified. Just follow the links to read

iMessage shown to have encryption flaw

Discussion article here: Apparently, the research has found: "It took a few months, but they succeeded, targeting phones that were not using the latest operating system on iMessage, which launched in 2011. "

British Exports

Just flying the flag for Great Britain and British Exports. We're not just known for Brexit, you know. Great Britain - probably the World's greatest leader in manufacturing and services. USE THIS LINK: EXPORTING IS GREAT


Download software here Frequently data recovery work undertaken is on eMMC (embedded MultiMediaCard) found in a large number of the smartphones and memory sticks etc. on the market. I was asked what tool I would use for working with e.g. eMMC. One tool that is most frequently turned to is Up-n-Up UP828P Ultra Programmer ('P' is the latest version).

Emergency Cases - Smartphone Examination

Capturing the target subject's smartphone activities is not as easy as is thought, as we are all finding out with the current Apple and law enforcement debacle.  The Apple case though is not the norm as the two opposing sides are fighting about the "right to access". The public are engaged with this story that continues to unfold as to what "Privacy" actual means, should terrorism enjoy the

Exploration - missing the micro-evidence

If you are new to or have all but forgotten the humble (U)SIM Card now maybe as good time as any to refresh on the physical state of (U)SIM Card, in particular the hardware, so to speak. To assist that refresh process, below are links to previously published materials that investigators and examiners might find useful:

Global Emergency and Disaster Website

This has been one of my go-to website regarding global emergencies and disasters for many years. Even terrorist evens show up. The map refreshes every 5-mins. One surprising aspect is to note how many earthquakes are happening at any one time.