Law Enforcement News Lubbock Police Launch Crisis Intervention Team Aimed at Responding in Mental Health Situations, (12/11/2018), Erica Pauda The Lubbock (Texas) Police Department recently launched a Crisis Intervention Team consisting of officers who are all state-certified mental health peace officers. The team includes two full-time officers and 30 to 40 others who have received the certified training and can respond as needed. The trained officers know how to identify mental health conditions, how to respond to situations involving mental illness and de-escalate as needed, and will refer people in mental health crises to needed services. Link to Article Boise Police Offering Free Spanish Class to Officers, Staff Idaho Press, (12/11/2018), Nicole Foy In collaboration with Boise State University, some 50 civilian staff members and officers from the Boise Police Department will take a free 10-week Spanish course to improve outreach to the local Hispanic popu...