A Liebster Award! Wow! This award is give to new and exciting blogs with less than 200 followers. Thanks so much to Tonya at Swashbuckling in Seventh for nominating me.

- Link back to the person that nominated you.
- Answer the questions from your nominator.
- Share 11 random facts about yourself.
- Nominate 5 more blogs with less than 200 followers.
- Pose 11 questions for your nominees
1. What/who was your inspiration to become a teacher?
A: I was not a person who "knew" they were always going to be a teacher.
When I was a junior in college, I volunteered in a 5th grade classroom in
Portland, OR. Jeff Creswell, the teacher, used a method of instruction
called Storyline to teach integrated social studies and science. I
was completely inspired! And so because of that, off I went to my first
education class.
2. What is your favorite grade to teach?
A: My favorite grade to teach is 5th grade! I love it!
3. What is a goal for this year?
A: A huge goal for my year is to focus on what I love and am passionate
about, and ignore the noise of the outside world. I don't want the
grown-ups of the world to bring me down. :)
4. What is a pet peeve of yours?
A: My biggest pet peeve when people patronize others. I don't like to
experience it, or see it done to kids.
5. What is the best book you've read that didn't have to do with the education world?
A: My favorite non-education book that I read this summer was In the
Garden of the Beasts by Erik Larson.
6. What is the best teacher resource that you've come across?
A: Yikes! That's a hard one! Let's see, I think the resource I use the most
is the book, Strategies That Work, by Stephanie Harvey.
7. What are three of your favorite apps for your classroom?
A: I am blessed to have a class set of iPads in my room. My favorite apps
are Aurasma, iMovie, and, Edmodo.
8. What is the best lesson you've done?
A: Another hard one! I think my favorite lesson was a unit that my
students completed. They researched a major historical event and then
made silent films using their iPads. They were amazing!
9. Why did you start a blog?
A: I love integrating technology into my day to day classroom life. I know
that it can be intimidating for some. I want my blog to help teachers
make the transition to technology in fun and easy ways.
10. What is one thing on your wish list?
A: I would love to have a 3-D printer in my classroom--and my life!
11. If there was one thing you could change about the city you work in, what
would it be?
A: I love Bend, Oregon, but I wish it were about 2.5 hours closer to
Portland. That way I could visit the big city whenever I felt like it, no
matter the weather.
Here are 11 random facts about me:
Here are 11 random facts about me:
1. I have my BA in music. I sang opera in another life.
2. I am a voracious reader of all things--but I love picture books!
3. Project Runway and Sherlock are my favorite TV shows.
4. I love movies! One of my most favorite movies is Whale Rider.
5. I am a Disney Dork. I love the movies, theme parks, and history.
6. I am a lover of gadgets. I often have two screens open and working at once.
7. I love working with teachers. Collaboration is my favorite!
8. Kids constantly inspire me. They are what is best in the world.
9. I try to do a social studies focused teacher institute every summer. Some
that I have attended are: Ellis Island Teachers Institute, George Washington
Teachers Institute, National Geographic Institute, and the Colonial
Williamsburg Teachers Institute.
that I have attended are: Ellis Island Teachers Institute, George Washington
Teachers Institute, National Geographic Institute, and the Colonial
Williamsburg Teachers Institute.
10. My two favorite animals are the manatee and the octopus.
11. I am addicted to Candy Crush Saga. I hate to admit it.
11. I am addicted to Candy Crush Saga. I hate to admit it.
Now, here are my nominations!
I am nominating these amazing blogs:
2. Artipelago
Nominees: Here are your 11 questions:
1. What is your favorite activity for the first week of school?
2. What book do you love to read aloud to your students or your own kids?
3. What is a quote that inspires you?
4. How much time do you spend on Pinterest each week?
5. What keeps you coming back to this job every year?
6. What is something you do to take care of yourself each week?
7. What is your favorite tip/lesson/post from your blog?
8. If you could take your students anywhere in the United States, where would
you go and why?
9. What is the funniest student story from your career?
10. What is one thing you hope to learn this year?
11. What is your favorite lesson to teach and why?
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